Wade Trappe

News & Updates


Press Coverage

1. Security and Privacy Vulnerabilities of In-Car Wireless Networks: A Tire-Pressure Monitoring System Case Study. Ishtiaq Rouf, Rob Miller, Hossen Mustafa, Travis Taylor, Sangho Oh, Wenyuan Xu, Marco Gruteser, Wade Trappe, Ivan Seskar. USENIX Security 2010.

2. ParkNet: Drive-by Sensing of Road-side Parking Statistics. Suhas Mathur, Tong Jin, Nikhil Kasturirangan, Janani Chandrasekharan, Wenzhi Xue, Marco Gruteser, Wade Trappe. ACM MobiSys 2010.

Case Studies

1. Engineering Case Study/Workshop: Security by Design
Ran Security Engineering Case Study for the BioPharma Research Council’s 2016 Internet of Medical Things: Cybersecurity for Connected Devices workshop.

The purpose behind this short workshop is to walk the audience through the thought processes associated with identifying and understanding security risks that might exist in medical devices. The talk will first examine specific real-world scenario involving surgical robots. With this example as motivation, the talk will then storyboard a hypothetical IoMT system, called WellMon, intended to support elder care. The audience will be interactively guided through the process of identifying attacks against this synthetic example, as well as outline potential countermeasures that can be applied to enhance WellMon’s security.